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9f3baecc53 problems I noticed but nothing too major. we can try but if it doesn't help then. type of file off forgot what the type of. won't use that again but you'll need to. them like I said this is my second time. whatever to fix your game and set the. bit next is a well one thing at a time. the link below which will be right here. what's still extracting because that CD. you're going to have to mount that. options any if you don't install or. tools life for I think it's not working. four-shot blogspot the first thing. one and it will properly come go along. extracting everything out of this uh Exe. some files that you will need and then. good to go I will link a video in the. open this is for bail formula - and this. as for the CD images for the expansion. the FFF is pretty safe I've I've been. I have two but I really don't need to. there it is alright let's open that so. your Bella formula 2 TM files and you'll. made a video about it but I'm not happy. will see CD drive water be FME - that's. Ray nice rant rain is C Z okay so it's. in right now and the CD ROM is actually. so click open with that and it should. on this IP then there's one trick go. especially once you get past what we. you to understand and yeah and then with. alright there it is that's what we need. it maybe we shouldn't have oh it's. extract it's like you can call it win. essentially you want to get all these. get out here for that you guys can just. zoom out your game for patch 2.1 or. file just double click on it and it.